Then it switched to navigation and a star filled my view screen.

Damn! We had been thrown off course. At current coasting speed we would hit that damn star in twenty two minutes. There was an odd feeling, as if I had physically been taken apart and put back together. I fell to the floor and clutched my stomach. I could hear Melons retching behind me. I had to empty my stomach and so did just about everyone else on the ship. It took me almost five minutes before I could stand again. That was five minutes we could not afford to lose.

When I got to my feet I looked at the navigation screen. The star was gone. I checked our course and the star was more than a light day behind us. Mighty Mouse had teleported the entire ship past the star. I switched the console back to engineering. The engines were at idle and the ship was slowly losing speed. We would drop to sublight speed in about seven minutes.

As the ship slowly returned to normal, I moved over to the med consol.

"The Imoby gas has taken effect. She should wake up in two hours."

"Call me as soon as she starts to regain consciousness, and be sure to remind me the next time we thaw out a super psychic to have the ship at a dead stop first."

As I walked towards the bridge, thoughts ran through my mind. I had read somewhere that during psychic research they had discovered that the signature of the drive field could make the psychic stronger. The only problem was everyone they had tried it on had died. Psychic abilities had gone into the crapper as research. It was decided that it was too dangerous to have them on a ship. I may have just turned that danger loose on my ship.

I walked onto the bridge, "Bumpy, Report."

"All systems on line we should be at sublight speed in about fifteen seconds." Bumpy responded.

"Phone Call, is there any communications to report?"

"Sir, we have a reply from fleet command."

"Put it on screen."

I watched the face of Admiral Tigrat swim into view on the screen. "Captain Graves. It is the decision of command that you are to place MD Roberts sleep pod into a short space evacuation shuttle and return her to earth immediately. I will expect acknowledgment and launch within twelve hours after you receive this communication. End recording."

Imperious bastard! "Phone Call, record my reply please."

"Recording, Sir."

"Admiral Tigrat, as I am the captain of a deep vessel, my understanding is I am beyond fleet’s orders. I have consulted with Miss Roberts and she has chosen to be awoken here. As she is a civilian she is also beyond fleet’s ability to give orders. I will be sending a copy of this communication with your orders attached to fleet investigations. Please feel free to have a nice day. End recording."

I watched Phone Call lock and code the recording then send it via short space. I knew it would be about six hours before the Admiral got my recording and then six hours for his replay to make it back. I thumbed the com unit on my chair, "Jazz Hands, damage report."

"Sir, it will be about twelve hours before we are ready to be underway again. I have crews going out to fix some hull damage and we need to let the engines cool down before we can do a maintenance check."

"Very good, do not restart the engines without my orders…" As I spoke I looked up at the view screen. There was a blueprint of a head band and schematics. Across the bottom of the screen was written the legend, ‘Needed before engines get turned on’. "Jazz Hands, Grab your tools and meet me in med bay. Bring a portable energy solidifier." If there was one thing I knew, Mighty Mouse was trying to help.


"What exactly are we building?" Jazz Hands asked as he was using the energy solidifier to manufacture some of the pieces.

"My guess is it is an inhibiter of some kind. The drives create some kind of feedback that jumps her power level up. Too much of it for too long and it will kill her."

"How will we know if it works?"

"She will tell us when she wakes up."

"What if it doesn’t work?"

"I have no idea. We may have to refreeze her to protect her." I dreaded the thought of that. According to all the medical history, refreezing after less than seventy-two hours was deadly. We had to make this thing work right the first time. Then an idea struck me. "Get down to engineering and shut down everything. I want us dead in space. Life support only. I even want the high point generators shut down. We will run on battery until we know if this works."

"If I shut down the high points it will take twelve hours to get them back into operation."

"Get on it. As soon as everything is shut down start the restart on the high points."

As Jazz Hands left, Melons spoke from behind me. "Sir, she is starting to stir. I am registering high levels of pain in her body."

"Open the door to the isolation room." I said as I was tightening the last screw into place on Mighty Mouse’s new headband.

"Sir, I cannot let…"

"Open the fucking door." I moved towards the door and squeezed through it as it was opening. I ran to the side of the sleep couch and hit the controls to open it. Mighty Mouse was thrashing in her sleep. I held her down and slipped the headband on her head. It was set to maximum. At the instant the headband slipped into place two things happen. The first was that the lights all switched to emergency lighting. The second was that Mighty Mouse quit thrashing. "Melons, report is she in any pain?"

"I am not registering any pain, sir. I think though you should ask her."

I looked down into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. She was looking up at me when Melons came into the room with some water and pills. "You need to take these, they will help your system re-stabilize and adjust to the changes since you went to sleep."

The look of bewilderment on Miss Roberts face confused me. Did her memories not stay with her? Had they been lost when she was awoken? Then she spoke for the first time.

"I am sorry, Captain Graves, I am having a little trouble assimilating three hundred years worth of memories. I believe you owe me a handshake and a welcome to the crew."

I smiled and extended my hand. "Millany Denise Roberts, welcome to the crew. I am glad to have you aboard."

"Thank you, sir. It seems I have a lot to learn. When I went to sleep I had just learned to astral project. Three hundred years of doing it has made me a little stronger than I was."

"Melons, how long before I can show her where her quarters are and get her situated?"

"Give me an hour to give her a physical. I will send her to the bridge when I am done."


I waited on the bridge. It had been more than an hour. The door slid open and onto the bridge stepped Mighty Mouse. She came to me and stood in front of me. Then she saluted, "Millany Denise Roberts reporting for duty, Sir."

"Miss Roberts, I have entered you into the records as a civilian advisor. There is no need for you to salute. I would however like for you to lean as much about this ship as possible. If you would be so kind as to report to Phone Call, she will start teaching you the communications console. I know you must be worn out from your experiences so when you get tired let me know and I will show you your quarters."

"I am aware of the location of my quarters, sir. I was there when you were setting them up. I sent my bag there already."

"Would you be so kind as to join my wife and I for dinner tonight? I would love to actually be able to talk to you."

"I would be delighted."


I lie in bed that night. My wife and I had a marvelous dinner with Mighty Mouse. I found her to be so mature and so childlike at the same time. After dinner she had retired to her quarters and my wife and I had gone to our bed. An hour later we fell into a pleasantly relaxed sleep. We had made love and truly shared what had grown between us.

I rolled over in my drowsy state and put my arm around a small warm body. I smiled to myself. "Aren’t you supposed to be asleep in your own bed?"

"Yes, Sir, please don’t make me go back there."

"Is your room not good enough?

"It is fine. I have been alone for three hundred years. I just don’t want to be alone any more."

I reached over in my sleep and touched my wife’s shoulder. "Baby, we have a guest in our bed. No surprises tonight."

Millishia rolled over and looked at the small girl between us. Then she smiled and put her arm around Millany and we both fell asleep holding this dear child.


The com panel in our room came to life. "Sir, There is an emergency communication from Admiral Tigrat."

I climbed out of the bed and walked to the panel. After thumbing it to life I replied, "Pipe it through to here."

There was a flash and then Admiral Tigrat’s very angry face showed on the view screen. "Captain Graves, if you do not place her refrigeration couch on a short space pod and have it on its way back I will declare you an enemy of the fleet. You have twelve hours to comply."

From behind me I heard Mighty Mouse clear her throat. "May I answer him?"

I didn’t see what it would hurt so I nodded and stepped out of the way. 

Millany stepped up to the console and started the record button. "Admiral Tigrat, I am so happy to meet you. Let me first be so kind as to answer your request for my presence on earth. FUCK OFF! Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I would like you to know I intend to have all these communications sent to every law firm on earth. I am sure one of them would be very pleased to bring legal actions against you on my behalf. Especially when I tell them they can keep one hundred percent of the gains. I am a civilian and as such am not under military jurisdiction. In other words your commands mean as much to me as the instructions on a box of toothpicks. Now, I request that you please be so kind, as to trim that grotesque mustache before you send another message. It looks like you have a caterpillar fucking your nose. Thank you in advance for not offending my young eyes anymore." She then stopped the recording while I busted up laughing.

I stepped up to the com panel. "Bridge, Please be so kind as to send copies of these communications to all law firms as well as newspapers on earth. Also send it as a private message to Lieutenant William Carnal with JAG."

I thumbed off the com unit and headed for the shower. "Mighty Mouse, you might want to go get showered and dressed for the day. Unless I miss my guess we will be ready to fire up the generators in about thirty minutes. Go get ready and meet me in the med bay."


"Okay, this is what we are going to do. Jazz Hands is going to bring the generators on line at low power. Once they are operating if you feel anything happening let me know so he can shut them down again." I looked down at Mighty Mouse lying on the med couch.

"Yes, Sir, it may take a few moments for me to make adjustments in my headband. Give me one minute before you panic." She lay back and closed her eyes.

I walked over to the com unit and punched up engineering. "Jazz Hands, we are a go, bring bank one online." I walked back over to the couch leaving the com line open.

It came on like something had hit the ship. There was a shuddering and that whole craft seemed to lurch to one side. I watched Mighty Mouse reach up and touch the side of her headband. The ship started to vibrate badly. Then there was a lurch that slammed me to the floor. "Jazz Hands!" I shouted over the din. Then everything was quiet. "Is the generator still running?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Bring it up slowly to ten percent."

There were minor vibrations from the ship. Mighty Mouse continued to touch the side of her head band. When everything was quiet again, I called out, "twenty percent."

The vibrations were much softer this time. We repeated this till the generators were operating at one hundred percent. "Okay, Jazz Hands, get damage control crews out and give me a ship status in one hour. We will start the engines tomorrow."

After I closed the com channel I moved back over to the med couch. "Mighty Mouse, I have thought of a potential problem and I would like your input."

"Yes, Sir."

"First I would like to ask you to call me Pig. That is my call sign for the crew. They gave it to me because of my initials. Now, for the problem, what happens if that headband comes off in your sleep?"

"I am going to have Melons use surgical glue to affix it to my head for right now. Once we have the settings correct, I will design a permanent implant version of it."

"What if it needs adjustments after it is implanted?"

"I will be able to adjust it using telekinesis."

"What if you are unconscious and it needs adjustment."

"I will make an adjustment tool that Melons can use to adjust it in emergencies and teach her how to read and adjust it."

One of these days I was going to get used to having a genius on the ship. That wasn’t today though. "You have already thought all this through haven’t you?"


"One last question, do you think the pulse drives will affect you?"

"I don’t think so. They don’t work on the Roberts principal. They are an ion thrust systems."


We were on the move again. Yes we were traveling sub light speeds but at least we weren’t sitting still. I was sitting in my chair daydreaming about the exciting life of being a ships captain. Really fucking exciting it turned out to be. It was moments of extreme panic, broken up by weeks of endless boredom. As I mused, a bright flash passed by the ship and a point of light traveled out to explode some distance in front of us. What the hell! That was a torpedo.

"Pig, we have an incoming communication from the UPS Darwin." Phone Call called out from her station at communications.

"Put it on screen."

A face swam into view on the view screen. "Captain Graves, This is Captain Richards of the Darwin. You are hereby notified you are under orders to turn MD Roberts over to our custody for transport back to Earth. In ten minutes we will open fire." Then before I could even respond the screen went black.

I turned to Mighty Mouse sitting at the science station. She was hooking a wire from her headband to the console. "Mighty Mouse, I have to have full power to have a chance of fighting them."

"Fire up the engines now."

I slapped the com unit on my chair. "Jazz Hands, emergency start the engines. I need full power now."

"Sir we will…"

"Now! Fire up those fucking engines or we are all going to be needing gravestones."

A minute later the ship lurched and started shaking like it was in a tornado. Then Mighty Mouse screamed and fell limp in her chair. I ran to her and was getting ready to tell jazz hands to cut the engines. I looked up at the view screen for her station. I was looking through her eyes but she was not on the bridge. She was running through the ship towards the shuttle bays.

"What is she doing?" Marijuana asked from beside me.

"I have no idea. She has nine minutes to get it done though." I touched the com panel again, Tactical teams, report to weapons fire stations. Security, get armed and ready to repel boarders. Medical, prepare for casualties. We are now under war status. Keep all lines of communications open. Engineering, we are going to need everything we have, get all the backups online now." 

I looked back at the screen. Mighty Mouse had made it to the shuttle bay. I watched as she ran towards the door and then jumped through the force field into space. Oh god! She had leapt out without a space suit, what the hell was she doing? Then it hit me, she was out of body. She did not need a space suit. I watched as she seemed to fall behind the ship and then I saw it. The Darwin was closing on us like a shark.

Reports started coming in people were in battle positions. We had seven minutes before they would open fire. The Darwin was sent out six years before us. It was designed to give its crew the best chance for survival. She had three times our armor and five times our weapons. In a straight fight we would be toast before the Darwin even felt it.

I looked at the clock, we were as ready as we were ever going to be and still had three minutes left. I looked over to the view screen. Mouse had made contact with the Darwin. She just walked right through the hull and was in the ship. She was now moving towards engineering. "Mighty Mouse, I don’t know if you can hear me. That ship has a major vulnerability. There is a single cable conduit in engineering that all weapons and engine control is routed through. If you can somehow damage that we have a chance of getting away."

For some reason Might Mouse dodged into one of the crew quarters. There she picked up a marking pen off of the desk and wrote on top of the desk, "Show me where." Then she continued running towards engineering.

As I was describing the conduit and where it could be found, Mighty Mouse stopped in front of a door that said security on it. She stepped through the door and started to poke her face into cabinets. She found what she was looking for and passed her hand through the cabinet lock. The door popped open as if it had not been locked. From the cabinet she pulled two Pulse Impact Grenades. Those would damage the conduit for sure.

"Sir the Darwin is closing to firing position." Mountain said from the tactical station.

I needed to buy Mighty Mouse some time. How could I get them off my back long enough? "Phone Call, open a channel to the Darwin."

I stepped in front of the main view screen. "Captain Richards, This is Captain Graves of the Ticonderoga. I regret to inform you that Admiral Tigrat has been arrested on charges of treason by high command. All ships are required to report their orders from Admiral Tigrat to UP investigations. Any ship acting on his orders without clearing them first is to be considered rogue." I then motioned for the channel to be closed. Two could play the I-am-not-waiting-for-a-reply game.

I looked back at the science console. Mighty Mouse was in the engineering section. "To the left is the conduit set. It is the largest conduit in that group." I watched as she moved over and dropped one of the grenades in the midst of the conduits. Five seconds later the engineering section of the ship was rocked by an explosion. Mighty mouse looked back at the mess she had made. All of the conduits were bent and broken. It would take days to fix that mess.

"Sir, the Darwin is adrift in space and spinning out of control." Mountain reported from the tactical station.

"Have Pot Shot, target their attitude control jets and fire."

Mighty Mouse had entered one of the drive engines. She was currently in an environment no human could survive even for an instant. I watched her crawl through the access ways until she reached the engine drive core. There she dropped the second grenade. As she crawled back out the ship was rocked by a second explosion. In the flash of an instant the Darwin was permanently crippled. With one of her two drives offline beyond repair she would need a dry dock. The best they could do in space was, getting themselves underway on one drive. That meant half speed. Now we could outrun them with our eyes closed.

"Phone Call, open a channel to the Darwin again."

Once again I stepped into the view of the view screen. "Captain Richards, You ship is crippled and is days away from moving under it own power again. I would suggest you cease hostilities before we take out your life support system."

"Damn it, Phillip! What the hell have you done to my ship?!"

"I have used a weapon at my disposal to take out your systems. Now are you ready to talk or do we target your life support?"

"I am just following orders from admiral Tigrat. He said high command wants MD Roberts back on earth as soon as possible."

"She is a civilian and chooses not to go. High command has no authority over her. Under your current condition you can limp home in four years. Or you can continue hostilities and we can take your ship apart, deck plate by deck plate. It is decision time captain."

"We surrender; just quit hitting us with that weapon."

"We are calling our weapon off. We will send teams over to help with your repairs. If you would be so kind as to bring your wife over and join us for dinner tonight you can meet with Miss Roberts yourself and verify that she wishes to stay."

After we had made arrangements for the captain and his wife to join us I closed the channel. "Jazz Hands, Drop engine power to ten percent and standby for the shaking. Tactical keep weapons trained on that ship but stand down from war status."

I moved back to Mighty Mouse. "We have the engines at ten percent you should be able to come back and make your adjustments now." Within second the ship started to vibrate. Mighty Mouse’s hand moved to the side of her headband and the vibrations quieted down. Over the next ten minutes we brought the engines to full power and she adjusted each step.


It had been two weeks since we completed the repairs on the Darwin. Mighty Mouse had managed to help us build a new engine core for them. They were at full functionality when they left. Captain Richards was impressed with Miss Roberts. The very fact that she could use spare parts and the energy solidifier to create everything needed was amazing. Then to be able to assemble it inside the core shielding itself flattened him. By the time he left he figured out she was our new weapon.

I looked down at her asleep on the med couch. Her new implant was in place it rested just under the skin at her right temple. There were three small lights and a connection port visible above the skin other than that she looked completely normal. Melons had even done the final adjustments while she was asleep.

I was a little worried, in two weeks we had not been contacted by Admiral Tigrat or high command. By now he had probably convinced high command that we had gone rogue. We could have every ship within a years travel looking for us.

On the couch, Mighty Mouse started to stir. She hugged her dolls to her chest and her eyes opened. "I guess it worked?" were the first words out of her mouth.

"Did you have doubts?"

"Lots of them."

"I wish you had told me before we did the procedure."

"If I did that, you would not have let it happen." She smiled that little girl smile at me that had come to melt my heart. "Has the other system I designed been placed into the communications system?"

"Yes they finished the installation during your surgery. Are you sure it will work?"

"Well it will either work or cause a time space inversion causing all of time and space to collapse into a singularity." When she saw the panic in my eyes she started to laugh. "I am teasing you, it will work just fine. Why don’t you hand me my clothes and we can go to the bridge and try it."

I handed her the clothing and stepped out of the room so Melons could help her dress. Five minutes later we walked onto the bridge. "Phone Call, fire up the, new com system and open a channel to High command.

I stepped in front of the view screen. "High Command, this is Captain Graves of the Ticonderoga, I need to speak with the duty commander please." I said when the face of a female officer swam into view. I waited for a few seconds while she sat there waiting.

The communications officer turned to someone on the side and said softly. "What is he waiting for? He knows these messages need to be short."

"I am waiting for you to get the duty commander so I can speak with him."

The woman squeaked when I answered her. "You can hear me?"

"Of course I can hear you, now will you please get the duty commander."

The woman jumped to her feet and ran out of range of the view screen. As I waited the person in the chair next to her leaned over and stared at me for a moment so I jumped at the camera and screamed "Boo!" at the top of my lungs. She jumped away from the screen screaming at the top of her lungs. I could hear snippets of conversation going on in the background. Then a man sat down I did not recognize.

"Captain Graves, I am Rear Admiral Westmorland. I was under the impression you were out deep, not close enough to drop by instant communications range."

"Sir, I and my crew are still very deep six. It seems my latest crew member may well be able to help us in ways I never thought possible. The system we are using to talk is initiated with a new punch generator she has developed that creates a micro wormhole in short space. It allows instant communications. Another device of her design allows Psionics to operate on spacecraft. She has authorized me to transmit these plans to you under the condition that she be allowed to remain unmolested with our crew."

"May I please speak with Miss Roberts?"

Mighty Mouse stepped to my side and looked into the views screen. "Yes, sir."

"Miss Roberts, High command did not authorize any attack or attempt to force you home. When we found out that you were alive we asked Admiral Tigrat to request your presence here on Earth. We have a problem that we hoped you would be able to help us fix. We have reached the end of our ability to understand and expand on the Roberts principle. All of our upgrades have come from accidental discoveries because we do not truly understand how it works."

"I can help them work on it from here, we have weeks at a time that all we are doing is traveling. Transmit all the current data to me and I will be happy to look it over."

"Thank you. We are happy to have you back. Captain Graves, she is to be accorded all honors while on you ship. I also need to inform you that Admiral Tigrat is no longer in charge of the Deep program. It seems he had some personal issues driving him to select forced crews. Did you really get caught sleeping…"

"Yes, Sir, I am afraid I did. I usually don’t get caught," I interrupted him. "May I ask what is the admiral charged with?"

"He has not been charged with anything. High Command decided his talents were better suited to the cargo fleet."

"Thank you, Sir. We have one other demonstration we would like to give you. It is a demonstration of the value of having a psionic onboard a ship." I held up the headband that used to grace Mighty Mouse’s brow. "This is the prototype for the implant that Miss Roberts now wears. It is very useful for short term use but has a chance of coming off and causing problems." I then nodded to Mighty mouse and she touched her temple. I could feel the ship start to vibrate slightly and then the band disappeared from my hand to appear sitting on the console in front of the Rear Admiral. Then the vibrations stopped as Mighty Mouse retuned her band to block out the energy from the engines. "We are sending it to you so that you can use it to start testing psionics for ship service."

"How the fucking hell did you do that?!" The Rear Admiral yelled as he reached for the band.

"It seems that the feedback caused by the engines super charges the psionic. The amount of power can be so great they can teleport small objects. Mighty Mouse just used that feedback to teleport her headband, through the wormhole, to you." I smiled as he looked at Mighty Mouse standing next to me.

"Mighty Mouse?"

"It is my call sign onboard ship, Sir."

"Miss Roberts, I would like to personally welcome you to the crew of the Ticonderoga. We will get your communications enhancements in place and set up a conference with all of high command in two weeks."

We closed the channel and I scooped Mighty Mouse up into a hug. "You did great. You do realize we are going to have to explain to them why the feedback from your colony ship did not kill you in transit."

"Not ‘till they ask. Now, Captain, I believe I am scheduled to study Tactical today and you are stopping me from my duties."

"Yes, Ma’am." I said as I let her go. As she walked away I thought to myself, "That young lady has just changed the face of space travel forever, again."

I sat down in my chair and read through the reports for the last shift. Something caught my eye about a nearby planet that was showing some unusual readings. "Computer, could you please call up all data on the planet located last night."

"Yes, oh powerful Master, I will get them for you immediately."

I slapped the com unit on my chair. "Jazz Hands!"

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: